Laughter Really Is The Best Medicine!

You must have heard the saying ‘ Laughter is the Best Medicine ‘ everyone knows that laughing is good for us ! But when was the last time you visited a comedy club, or was entertained by a top professional comedian?

Did you know laughter can stimulate healing gamma waves, similar to those seen in long-term meditators… It’s this effect on the brain that can improve your well-being in some surprising ways.

This is the perfect reason to laugh more and live your life to the fullest, by visiting a comedy club or a night out watching one of your favourite comedians. At Lost Sock Productions we have a whole host of the funniest professional comedians, available to book for your event.

Being in a busy Comedy Club environment with other comedy fans, the atmosphere really becomes something rather special & uplifting . Here at Lost Sock Productions, we only use the best Professional Comedians in our comedy shows, guaranteeing you a brilliant laugh out loud experience. Booking live stand-up comedy could not be easier with us.

Laughing is known to be a proven to be the best stress relief and reduce blood pressure along with reducing anxiety and those horrible negative emotions! By laughing it also increases the brains production of endorphins, which is the natural way your body relieves pain and boosts your mood.

Keep your eyes peeled for our very funny stand-up comedy shows coming to a venue near you soon!